This web site was established in memory of my mother, Paula Eisemann. It's purpose is to make it easy for people to buy and sell toys, clothing, books, furniture, appliances, dishes and other things. What differentiates this web site from many others like it, is that it is for people in the Jewish community. People can sell and buy appliances, dishes, seforim, games and items that would be appropriate for a frum family. When the buyer communicates with the seller they may live in the same neighborhood and can check on their purchases easily.

My mother was a very thrifty person. She loved to re-purpose things. For example, once she made clothes for her little children using old sheets that she had in the house. She always created new dishes using leftovers and almost never threw things in the garbage. She almost never bought any furniture that was new. It was important to her not to spend more money than was necessary.

Our community can help each other by giving away or selling things that we do not need anymore so that others can enjoy them. My hope is that the merit of all the kindness generated by this web site will benefit my mother in the next world.
